Where Massage Can Help
In an effort to provide as much information as possible, we’ve created this section. You’ll find the many conditions that massage can help with, as well as the type that is best suited for the goal. We hope that this helps shed more light on your options before you call to book an appointment with us.

Acute Pain
There is a multitude of massage types that can have positive effects on acute pain. In particular, we recommend the use of Swedish, therapeutic, and Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation. Each of these can alleviate the causes of the problem.
Chronic Pain
Another common complaint that massage can address is chronic pain. For this recurring issue, the best choices are sports massage, deep tissue massages, remedial massage, and therapeutic massage.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
This is also known as DOMS. This can be problematic for many, but you have options available. We recommend sports massage, deep tissue massage, and Swedish massage. Depending on the area, remedial massage may also help.
High Muscle Tone
For this condition, we advise deep tissue or remedial massage. Sports massage and therapeutic techniques can also address the problem effectively.
Training Programs
Massage can be a core component of many training regimens. There are techniques that can simulate warming up, as well as allowing the muscles to better eliminate waste products from exertion.
Sports massage, deep tissue massage, and remedial massage are highly recommended for those taking up intense physical training.
For post-event care, there are many possibilities. In general, the ones that are used most are remedial and therapeutic massage types. However, other ones may be useful depending on the nature of the event.
In the wake of an injury, remedial and deep tissue are the best choices. Swedish massage and remedial techniques are also useful.
After a surgical procedure, deep tissue massage is among the best. Therapeutic massage and remedial types also have techniques that can help the body heal. Some surgical procedures may also benefit in post-surgical care using IASTM.
Pregnant women benefit most from therapeutic massage, as well as Swedish massage.
Swedish and remedial massage are the best choices if you only need to relax and calm, rather than have any medical concerns.